Join us in saluting and thanking our military veterans by being a sponsor.
All sponsors and VSO recipients are invited to participate in the Awards ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on race day.
Payment options:
Credit (click selection below)
Venmo (@CTVeterans-Day-Race)
Check Payable to: CT Veterans Day Race (Mail to: P.O. Box 262, Coventry, CT 06238)
Just click the button below to donate any amount
Gold Sponsorship
Logo & website will appear on event website with a link.
Full-page ad in the race brochure.
Logo will appear on the back of the event t-shirt.
3x6 ft vinyl banner prominently displayed at race event
5 event entries to include shirts
Silver Sponsorship
Logo & website will appear on event website with a link.
Half- page ad in the race brochure.
Logo will appear on the back of the event t-shirt.
3x4 ft vinyl banner prominently displayed at race event.
3 event entries to include shirts
Mile Marker Sponsorship
Logo and website will appear on an 18" x 12" sign displayed on the race course.
Logo & website will appear on event website with a link.
Listed in the event brochure.
1 event entry to include shirt
Contributing Sponsorship
Logo & website will appear on event website with a link.
Listed in event brochure on race day.
General Donation
Choose Any Amount
Thank you for your support and your patriotism! All contributions will help CT veteran organizations continue their mission to serve. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
The CT Veterans Day Race, Inc. is a non-profit organization. EIN #88-1807752.

Why Sponsor?
Your sponsorship supports many CT Veteran Organizations who continue to serve our country in some of the following ways:
Provide care and transportation of the needy and elderly veterans
Provide upgrades to their homes
Provide services and therapy to the needy veteran community
Provide care of wounded warriors in our communities
Provide food, shelter and daily essentials for homeless veterans
Every pledge, both large and small, helps these organizations achieve their goals. Your tax deductible donation can be made by downloading the attached form. Your generosity and support is deeply appreciated. The Connecticut Veterans Day Race is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the IRS.
Our list of beneficiaries rotate each year, averaging five per year.
American Legion Posts 52 and 95
Backpacks for Life
Building Home for Heroes
CT Dept. of Disabled Veterans
CT Dept. of Veterans Affairs Outreach Program
Eastern CT Veterans Center
Homes for the Brave
House of Heroes CT
Iraq/Afghanistan War Memorial
Irreverent Warriors
Marine Corps League
New England Human Animal Bond Foundation
Take A Vet Fishing
Veterans Base Camp
Veterans Rally Point
Veterans Ride For Free
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10589
Women Marines Association